Younger people neglect kitchen cleaning
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
A significant proportion of younger people struggle to find time to carry out thorough kitchen cleaning, new research shows.According to a poll by Mintel, nearly half of younger people (47 per cent) said they clean up as they go along, while one in five admitted leaving chores until the weekend, the Daily Mail reported.Mintel analyst Michelle Strutton told the newspaper Younger people care far less about the cleanliness or tidiness of their home and dont achieve as much sense of satisfaction from keeping a neat and tidy home.In addition, the survey found that women are still responsible for doing most of the household chores with more than half of women claiming all of the housework falls on them.However, 70 per cent of women said they actually gain satisfaction from cleaning and tidying.The news comes after appliance repair expert Chris Hilliker told recently that running kitchen taps until hot is one means of ensuring that dishwashers continue to work properly.