White vinegar is a cheap and green sink cleaner
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
White vinegar is the only sink cleaner that people need and can also replace all other household cleaning products.Such is the claim of Shirley Wilson, writing for Examiner.com, who said that white vinegar is powerful, environmentally friendly and inexpensive.It can kill 99 per cent of bacteria and 82 per cent of mould and is an effective sink cleaner.Sink drains can be cleaned by pouring a cup of white vinegar down them, leaving it for half an hour and then rinsing with cold water, she said.A cup of the sink cleaner can also unclog drains by adding a cup of baking soda to it. Also, standing sink sponges in white vinegar kills any germs.It doesnt contain harmful toxic chemicals, so if in the course of normal household cleaning you pour it down the drain its impact on municipal sewer and water treatment systems is just like any food product, Ms Wilson noted.Families can be protected from food-borne illnesses if a kitchen is kept clean, the Jamestown Sun reported.