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Wash hands after scrubbing every ingredient

Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017

Experts have claimed that people should not refrain from turning on the tap and washing their hands at every stage of the food preparation process.News site issued some tips for a healthy family kitchen, insisting that each time a stage of the process is over, hands should be washed to avoid germ contamination.It was explained that the exterior of fruits should be thoroughly scrubbed, even if they are to be peeled, while hand-washing is then essential before handling the naked fruits, in order to avoid contaminating the the interior with the germs from the skin.And sinks that are busily used for fruit and vegetable washing should not be exempted from the hygiene drive, claimed, advising that sinks should be scoured on a daily basis and especially after one bout of food preparation.Another element of kitchen hygiene that was singled out was the importance of scrubbing refrigerator and cabinet handles daily a task that can sometimes be overlooked in busy households.While it is essential to wash hands as frequently as possible, it is also advisable for homeowners to ensure that the water flowing from their taps is of the purest possible form, making Frankes Triflow range offering filtered water at the point of use a useful kitchen addition.ADNFCR-1321-ID-18498026-ADNFCR