Upgrading kitchens more important than external work
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
Homeowners who are thinking about selling or looking at ways to improve the value of their properties may want to refurbish the kitchen. According to the chief executive of the National Association of Estate Agents, Peter Bolton King, potential buyers are more concerned about interiors, particularly kitchens, than the exterior of the property. Bathrooms, kitchens, that sort of thing, tend to weigh more on peoples minds than perhaps the external stuff when adding value to properties, he said. Mr Bolton King went on to say that work on a home should depend on the area and the how the property stands at the moment, however. There is very little point in carrying out additional extensions if there is already sufficient space, he commented.A recent survey of members of The National Association of Estate Agents found 17 per cent said the best possible way to increase the value of a home was to improve the kitchen.A new sink, such as a traditionally-styled white ceramic design from the Franke ceramic sinks range, could brighten up a kitchen.