UK children not getting their five-a-day
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
Kids in the United Kingdom are not eating their five portions of fruit and vegetables each day, it has been suggested.New research from the University of East Anglia published in the British Medical Council Public Health journal suggests that only 56.8 per cent of children eat at least one portion of fruit each day, with less than half eating a single portion of vegetables.Esther van Sluijs, lead author of the studys report, told the Telegraph Promotion of daily fruit and vegetable intake in this age group iswarranted, possibly focusing on children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.Fresh fruit and vegetables can be incorporated into the familys diet in a number of ways and the installation of an Abode tap, such as the Axell hand spray model, can make preparing these delicious ingredients all the easier.A portion of fruit or vegetables amounts to around 80 grams, according to the NHSs five-a-day top tips website.