Thought needed in kitchen design
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
More thought needs to be put into kitchen design to make sure that a suitable environment for all of the activities that take place in the room is created.That is the view of Himnashu Burte, an architect who believes that many kitchen designs fall short in providing people with the basis on which to enjoy their time in the kitchen.Writing for Livemints Bodylines series, he suggested that having unsuitable kitchens can result in health problems for people who use them regularly.The kitchen is where the most demanding and skilled work in the house takes place. Yet it is generally the smallest, he stated.Though it is the space where at least one person spends hours working hard, it is often the room with the worst light, ventilation and view. Its not surprising, then, that the kitchen counter remains inadequately studied by designers.Mr Burte has called for people to purchase bespoke kitchen counters that suit their own needs.