The UK needs to start recycling food waste
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
Britain is lagging behind other countries when it comes to recycling food waste, according to a report in the Guardian.The Waste and Resources Action Programme (Wrap) claims Britons throw away about a third of the food we buy.It states the CO2 generated during the production of that food and the methane it releases while decomposing in landfill sites creates the equivalent of 18 million tonnes of avoidable carbon emissions a year.In order to combat this, the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs wants to see an increase in the number of local authorities offering weekly waste food collection.Currently, the Guardian claims about ten per cent of local authorities run this kind of programme.It states last years waste strategy for England also urged local authorities to consider anaerobic digestion (AD).In AD food waste is put in heated tanks and natural fermentation breaks it down into biogas.This biogas can then be used to produce electricity, fed into the gas grid or be recycled for vehicles modified to run on compressed natural gas.Another effective way of dealing with food waste is to use a waste disposal unit, such as those produced by companies like InSinkErator.