Ten tips for a more eco-friendly kitchen
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
Kitchens can become more eco-friendly in just ten steps, according to one sustainability group.TreeHugger says the eco-friendly kitchen starts with eating green, but doesnt end there.Being energy efficient, using equipment made from sustainable materials and avoiding toxic chemicals are also important.Fortunately, making the right choices for your well-being is also good for the pocket and the planet, TreeHugger states.The first of its tips is to choose cookware and utensils that stand the test of time, investing in equipment that will last a lifetime.Secondly, TreeHugger says many cooks prefer gas cookers as it is easier to control the temperature, offers instant heat and doesnt waste energy when turned off.Any new appliance or repairs to a current one should be energy efficient, it recommends and if possible, cook more than one thing in the oven each time it is used.Other tips include making your own ready meals, buying from local shops to reduce food miles and buying and cooking in bulk.Last month, Home and Garden Television said environmentally-friendly kitchen ideas are everywhere, from bamboo cutting boards to fluorescent light bulbs.