Tap hold the secret to less water wastage
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
In the current climate of increasing environmental awareness, not to mention the wish to keep household costs down, saving water is becoming a priority for UK households.In a typical UK water system, the water pressure is determined by the height of the storage tank away from the tap output point. What can affect this, however, is lengthy or twisting pipe arrangements, which will reduce the pressure overall.Taps which inject air bubbles into the water stream create higher water pressure with less overall volume used, thus keeping usage to a minimum.Whats more, manufacturers now make an increasing range of taps with in-built water filters for those living in hard water areas, such as Franke with their Triflow/Trispray model or Abodes Aquifer.Using these systems can reduce the time and wasted water commonly associated with an external water filter and jug setup, usually stored in the fridge.