Set cleaning goals to keep kitchen tidy
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
In many households life revolves around the kitchen which can quickly lead to messiness and a growing heap of washing up in the sink.But rather than panicking over the mess or resigning to living with what was once a kitchen but is now a cluttered storage space, setting simple cleaning goals can keep your kitchen in its pristine condition.In an article in the Times, life coach Phil Parker recommends setting cleaning goals and imposing deadlines on them to help turn piles of messy crockery into a tidy kitchen. He also believes imagining the feeling of having a clean kitchen can inspire categorically untidy people to maintain it.Working with self-confessed messy person and Times writer Patrick Strudwick, Mr Parker set his charge 15-to-30-minute cleaning goals to keep his kitchen spotless. While Mr Parker advocates setting cleaning goals and trying to focus on the terrible smells coming from old dirty plates waiting expectantly under stainless steel taps, there are kitchen gadgets like the Chop2pot breadboard that can help keep control of the mess.