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Self-build kitchen projects need more incentives

Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017

The governments attempts to increase the number of self-build projects this year are unlikely to be realised unless the public is offered more incentives, Sustain Worldwide has said.Gordon Miller, sustainability and communications director at the company, said that potential self-builders are currently put off by the lack of available finance and suitable land, while planning bureaucracy dissuades all but those with the strongest wills.Its also important that would-be self-builders are encouraged to build sustainably and not simply to build, he added.In doing so, it will make the housing stock more energy efficient, save homeowners money on fuel bills and assist the country to meet its carbon reduction obligations.Homeowners aiming to do their bit for the environment could also look to make more efficient use of water in their kitchen sinks. According to a recent announcement by the Department for Communities and Local Government, ministers have met with self-build industry leaders to launch a new group advising them on the best ways to help aspiring self-builders realise their ambitions.ADNFCR-1321-ID-800384458-ADNFCR