Scientists develop 3D food printer kitchen gadget
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
Ikea has lent its backing to a futuristic kitchen gadget developed by MIT scientists in the US, it has been reported.According to, Ikea believes the Food Printer will be a major gadget in kitchens of the future.As the website explained, the product is designed to make entire meals from scratch using food molecules as building blocks.It constitues a whole meal for you out of ingredients that you have chosen, said You can control the flavour and nutritional content exactly.While such technology is not expected to be available until circa 2040, the website commented that it is in tune with Ikeas predictions of trends for the future including scarcity, digitalisation and neo villaging.Meanwhile, Michael Holmes, spokesperson for the National Home Improvement Show, recently urged homeowners to do their research and seek expert help for specialist renovation tasks like plumbing and electrical work.This could include rewiring appliances or work surfaces and replacing kitchen sinks and taps.