Refacing kitchen cabinets is an eco-friendly option
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
Homeowners can help to make their kitchen renovation projects more environmentally-friendly by opting to reface, rather than replace, existing cabinetry, it has been argued.An article by Kitchen Tune-Up, a renovation firm in the US and Canada, notes that a term like green once pertained to the outdoor environment but now encompass anything that is earth friendly.It observed that some people may be reluctant to carry out kitchen remodels because of environmental concerns, but suggested that there are a range of alternatives that can limit any such effects.If homeowners truly yearn for a new kitchen, but have held off for fear that it will negatively impact the planet, consider cabinet refacing, said Kitchen Tune-Up. This process reuses all of the existing cabinet boxes, which make up the bulk of the cabinet. Reflect for a moment on all of the trees that you will save.In addition, the company claimed that by choosing a cabinet refacing service, homeowners can have the look and feel of a new kitchen in three to five days and at minimal expense when compared to the cost of full replacements.The comments come after Neil MacDonald of the Liverpool Echo last week argued that homeowners can save water and keep their bills down by making better use of their kitchen sinks and taps.