PS3 taps for gamers kitchens
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
Sonys PlayStation 3 (PS3) has promised the next generation of gaming entertainment, but another company has gone one better with its latest model - PS3 kitchen taps.Having brought next generation gaming to the nations living rooms, Sony is now being one-upped by the very best in interactive high definition faucet entertainment for the nations washing-up fans, by designer Jean Nouvel.The stainless steel taps may not be official Sony merchandise, but they certainly look the part with their distinctive cross, triangle and circle controls.A press of these buttons may not protect you against a zombie onslaught or help you win World War II, but it will certainly put a sparkle on your dishes, with the circle button turning the water on, the X for off and the triangle control adjusting the temperature.While not quite the stuff of superheroes and mythical creatures, Jean Nouvels PS3-style fittings do have some special powers of their own, as they employ high digital sensor systems for temperature control and are designed to reflect the erosion of rocks by water.