People should spice up their kitchens
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
Spices can be a great way to warm up winter meals, with home specialists advising kitchen enthusiasts to deck out their cooking areas with a spice rack.While herb plants like basil and parsley can add an aromatic touch to kitchen design, as well as providing a tasty addition to many a meal, the Country Life magazine said that spices were essential to any kitchen.Whether in a rack or jammed into a busy fridge, the magazine told enthusiastic cooks to keep their spices in dark and cool places, while also advising on the ten top herbs to ensure were present in any kitchen.Pepper, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, chilli, mustard, paprika, saffron and vanilla were named as the top ten, with the choice allowing a provision for diverse global cuisines.But as well as pure spices, exotic blends like Zanzibar Curry Powder and Tunisian Five Spice were also recommended as a means of adding bite to adventurous dishes.Kitchens equipped with In-Sink-Erators Steaming Hot Water Tap could also benefit from a good provision of cinammon and other flavours in order to prepare spice-based tea infusions, while the brands sink waste disposal unit could also come in handy to grind up the spice waste post-infusion.