Only a matter of time before robots do cooking
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
It is only a matter of time before robots do the cooking, dishwashing and cleaning, according to one report.The Thaindian believes that robots will soon be able to carry out the big three of housework, as companies around the world develop smarter technology.It says vacuuming and floor cleaning is already being done by a number of robots and states that a recent model can wash and scrub floors and pick up objects left lying around.The news provider states that Readybot has developed a kitchen-cleaning robot that can recognise and handle kitchenware, carry out several mundane kitchen-cleaning tasks, such as cleaning the counters and even load and operate the dishwasher.Cooking, it says, is the final frontier because of the complexity of tasks involved, yet Chinese scientists have developed a cooking robot that can steam, bake, fry, boil and saute, it adds.Advanced technology in kitchen gadgets is already allowing people to lead more luxurious, comfortable and lavish lifestyles, according to a report.New Nation recently stated that kitchen appliances now help people to cook sumptuous meals within minutes and without any hassle.