New recycling rules could raise demand for food waste disposers
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
More people may look to buy food waste disposers after the government changed its stance on local authority recycling charges.Communities secretary Eric Pickles announced this week that the government is scrapping the Pay as you throw scheme which grants local councils the option to charge people extra for not recycling.Mike Webster, spokesperson for Waste Watch, expressed disappointment at the decision.We all pay about 100 a year in council tax to deal with our waste and recycling and essentially we believe that pay as you throw actually gives people an option to reduce that, he said.Mr Webster said criticisms of the scheme, that it could encourage flytipping or people burning household rubbish, were unfounded. More homeowners may now consider buying food waste disposers or kitchen sink waste disposers with a view to managing their own domestic waste more efficiently. Last week, Tyler Hershberg of Canadian development firm BSaR Group of Companies told that kitchen fittings should be seamless in smaller rooms.