New homeowners need to maximise kitchen space, survey indicates
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
The need to maximise space in a kitchen has been highlighted by a new survey.Research carried out by government adviser Cabe showed that 35 per cent of new homeowners do not believe designs give them enough room for the kitchen appliances they would like.Chief executive of the organisation Richard Simmons suggested that more needs to be done to ensure homes cater to the needs of residents.We need local planning authorities to ensure much higher space standards before giving developments the go-ahead, he stated.Other findings included the fact that 57 per cent of people do not feel they have enough storage recently noted that moving kitchen appliances around can help generate more space in a home.The advice came after one couple were able to free up enough room for an island after switching their fridge to another side of the kitchen, as well as adding a stainless steel double kitchen sink under the window.