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Make safety a priority when undertaking DIY in the kitchen

Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017

When it comes to projects such as redecorating the kitchen, more people should have a go at doing the work themselves, it has been claimed.Andrew Bernard, JMLs resident DIY and car care presenter, said that is people follow the proper safety precautions they should be fine doing certain jobs themselves.The tip I always give people is its an old clich but safety first, DIY second. If you just think about your project, just in your mind plan it out, make sure you have got safety wear and really you cant go wrong, he said.He added that people should always do some research before attempting a DIY project, suggesting they read up on the subject or use the internet to get some information.However, Mr Bernard warned that in some cases, for example when making structural alternations or using electrics, it is best to get a professionals help.Anyone looking to give their kitchen a quick revamp could add some bold colour to the walls for an instant update, according to Media 10, the company behind the Ideal Home Show.ADNFCR-1321-ID-19724294-ADNFCR