Kitchen upgrades should boost energy efficiency
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
Homeowners and landlords have been urged to retrofit core rooms like the kitchen in order to improve the energy efficiency of their properties.The Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA) argued that people should try to improve the efficiency of houses before they are forced to do so by government regulation.Ian Potter, operations manager of ARLA, said Landlords can already take advantage of a tax allowance of up to 1,500 for these energy efficiency improvements through the Landlords Energy Saving Allowance.It makes sense therefore for landlords to carry out these improvements straight away, as considerable cost savings can be made.Homeowners can also do their bit for the environment by making more efficient use of water in their kitchen sinks, as well as by implementing various energy saving measures.Government targets will soon pressure people into making eco-changes, as houses with an Energy Performance Certificate rating of F or G will have to be improved.