Kitchen tips for reluctant dads
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
Fathers who are reluctant to get their hands dirty in the kitchen have been given some meal tips by experts.The Times has suggested that dads work their way in slowly when it comes to cooking for kids and taking responsibility in the kitchen.Amanda Ursell, resident nutrition expert from the newspaper, suggested that taking simple steps can make everything seem far less daunting.This can help avoid kitchen sink situations such as Tony Turnbulls example, who used every saucepan in the kitchen, of course, and they were now sitting in a dirty pile in the sink for my wife to wash up.Fellow father David Edwards admitted When it comes to anything practical I need advice, instructions, a manual.Ms Ursell offered the following food advice Work in steps. First think protein (eg, canned tuna), then add carbohydrate, such as a baked potato, along with some veg in the form of sweetcorn and onions mixed in with the tuna and, hey presto, youve produced a nutritious dish.