Kitchen tap invention doubles up as fire extinguisher
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
A new kitchen tap invention has created a revolutionary way of extinguishing fires.Royal College of Art graduates Yusuf Muhammad, 26, and Paul Thomas, 38, have designed a pump and heat-detection system that can be installed under sinks, with water mist jets sitting above in a mount that fits into the base of standard taps, the Daily Telegraph reported.The idea went on to win the international James Dyson Award, which included 10,000 to help bring the product to market.We have had different suppliers and distributors in different countries contact us saying they have seen the award, said Mr Muhammad.Having completed safety and performance tests in the UK, the pair are now planning to launch the product - known as the Automist - by the end of the year.Meanwhile, occupational therapist Ken Eastham told the Bellingham Herald this week that homeowners should consider safety issues including the limitations of old age when planning kitchen renovations.