Kitchen sink can harbour harmful bacteria
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
Individuals have been reminded about the importance of keeping everyday areas of the home, including the kitchen, clean.An article by the Daily Mail has highlighted where potentially harmful bacteria can be found on a number of seemingly innocent household items.For example, the warm, damp and porous nature of kitchen sponges make them an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, the news provider explains.Added to this, other items which can be found in or around the kitchen sinks are also likely to be harbouring germs.Speaking to the news provider, scientists recommended that homeowners regularly replaced or cleaned cloths and sponges in order to kill unwanted bacteria.Wash cloths in the dishwasher as the high temperature - at least 90 degrees C - and the powerful chemicals of the dishwasher tablet should kill bacteria, the article said.Sponges should be squeezed out and dipped in disinfectant and rinsed in hot water so hot you cant put your hand in it.