Kitchen "ideal" for hiding waste disposal
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
The kitchen has been described as the ideal place in the house to include a unit to store recycling.As well as having a sink waste disposer and food waste disposer, installing a recycling bin in the kitchen can make a difference to the tidiness and convenience of the room, according to Popular Mechanics.It can also contribute to being more environmentally friendly, as most products that can be recycled end up in the kitchen.Roy Berendson from the publication said The kitchen is ideal, given that its where most glass and plastic containers get used, but kitchen space is often at a premium.Most people try to tuck used cans and bottles out of sight, but weve got no problem with leaving recyclable materials in the open, provided theyre neatly stored.Mr Berendson went on to say that it is vital that recyclables are not stored too close to water heaters or boilers, for safety reasons.