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Kitchen cleaning should be a family chore

Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017

Parents have been advised to get the whole family involved in kitchen cleaning.In an article for US website, consumers were instructed to create a to-do list and prioritise certain rooms over others.It was therefore suggested that if homeowners are expecting visitors, families should prioritise bathroom and dining room cleaning before upstairs rooms.The article also encouraged people to assign tasks to different family members or to divide cleaning tasks over a number of days so a top-to-toe clean is not as overwhelming.Constance Costner, housing educator for Michigan State University Extension, told the website Doing it together gets the whole family involved in an activity that ultimately contributes to the holiday being healthy for all the family members and friends who attend.Kitchen sink and food prep areas often require the most cleaning in a home. suggested that homeowners clean first thing in the morning when dust and cobwebs are most visible in the light of day. ADNFCR-1321-ID-800264139-ADNFCR