Kitchen appliances promote a fast-food mentality
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
New kitchen appliances are promoting fast-food convenience, it has been suggested.Kim Severson, a writer for the New York Times, reported from a home and housewares show in the US, noting that many of the kitchen appliances on show had been made to make life easier for people who cook with an index finger.Ms Severson referred to an appliance that, with a touch, perfectly browns toast while poaching an egg at the same time.Elsewhere, she noted that a new bread maker has been designed to allow not-so-ambitious bakers to press a button and quickly bake a cake. In the 1980s, the popcorn button on the microwave seemed like the last word in convenience. Now, ovens ranging from countertop convection to wall models come equipped with a chicken-nugget button, said Ms Severson.According to a recent report by, having a well-designed and equipped kitchen can help make it much easier and efficient to prepare nutritional meals.