Keep your sink in mind when planning your kitchen island
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
A kitchen island can be hugely practical but one mistake householders often make when choosing one is to think that bigger is always better.The clearance around your kitchen island is what will likely dictate its size. At the very least, you need 36 inches of space between the edges of your island and your sink or another counter top. Thirty-nine inches is preferable but the ideal amount of space would be 42 inches.Think carefully about where you will position your kitchen island before choosing. You will doubtless need to use your kitchen sink and taps a great deal, so ensure that your island will not be placed too far away.Plan your island with practical considerations in mind. An island is a perfect area for preparation work. It is also ideal if there are more than one of you working in the kitchen at once, as your helper can be busy in another area without you getting in each others way and having to battle over the same counter top.Drawers within your kitchen island can be stocked with all the utensils you will need for the tasks you intend to perform there. Another good idea is to plan for an electrical outlet at each end of your island.