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If you want a strong marriage spend more time at the kitchen sink

Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017

Couples fight more over who does the washing up and cleans the house above anything else except money, according to a new survey. The survey of more than 2,000 adults, by online takeaway firm Just Eat, found the biggest cause of rows is money. However, second to that, cited by almost one in five (17 percent), is deciding who cooks, does the washing up and tidies up. Nearly two-thirds of those questioned admit they argue about who does the chores at least once a week. One in five people know a couple who row on a regular basis or have broken up over the issue of domestic chores. Record numbers of couples file for divorce in the New Year after the strains of Christmas. Simon Purkis, a barrister specialising in family litigation at Pump Court Chambers, said The first weeks of the New Year typically see record numbers of individuals wanting to file for divorce. Conduct is often cited as the reason for separation but a surprisingly high proportion of such complaints arise from relatively trivial domestic issues. Disputes over who takes on the majority of the cooking and clearing up in a household can be the final straw. Thats rather weightier than issues such as fidelity which you might expect. Clinical psychologist and relationship expert Dr Cecilia dFelice advises couples to try to avoid kitchen sink dramas. Agree when youre going to give yourselves well deserved permission to be lazy and ditch all thoughts of cooking and cleaning, said Dr dFelice. Take to the sofa, order in, and relax blissfully together. The extra time youll have will create other beneficial side effects for your relationship. And remember to share chores fairly when they cannot be avoided. This way your relationship will stay happily harmonious.