How food waste disposal units can help the environment
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
When you consider that a quarter of household waste is made up of food, a food waste disposal unit becomes a very wise investment.Householders in the UK throw away 7 million tones of food waste every year. Some of this would be preventable, with more careful shopping and food use management, but much of it is unavoidable and represents the waste from food preparation.It is also worth noting that the methane gas given off from decomposing biodegradable produce is 20 times more harmful to the environment than carbon dioxide.Such harm to the environment is entirely preventable and, when you consider that 70 per cent of food waste is made up of water, it is far more logical that such waste should be sent down the drain.The Chartered Institution of Water and Enviromental Management (CIWEM) states CIWEM considers that food waste disposers may have a useful place in the management of food waste and they might be a more convenient and environmentally superior alternative to separate storage and collection.