Homeowners should gather plenty of info before a kitchen remodel
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
The most efficient and effective kitchen renovations occur where homeowners have already done a great deal of prior research, a design team has claimed.Home remodel specialists Ann Robinson and Annie Vernon suggested that once people have a good idea of how they want their kitchens to look and function, renovators are often able to just tweak their ideas and pull it together with an efficient design. Writing for Deseret News, they advised homeowners to collect photographs of particular design aspects they like, noting that such pictures can be used as a reference when selecting key fixtures like kitchen taps, appliances and cabinetry.In addition, it was argued that while the internet offers various resources for people seeking design tips, they should also visit showrooms to gain a first-hand look at materials and layouts.Last week, residential architect John Hershey wrote in the Mundelein Review that it may be more worthwhile renovating important rooms in an existing home - such as the kitchen - rather than moving to a new property.