High-quality water on tap with the Perrin and Rowe Phoenician Filter Tap
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
The Phoenician Filter Tap is perfect for health, the environment and economical considerations as it removes the need to buy bottled water for those who want to drink the highest quality filtered water. A four stage filtration process ensures that the highest quality water is the result. The Phoenician Filter Tap removes suspended matter and bacteria as well as chorine, harmful chemicals and organic contaminants and heavy metals such as lead and mercury. Manufactured in the UK, the tap comes in gold, chrome, pewter and nickel with superior plating that provides exceptional protection against wear and tear. Its ceramic valves have been tested for up to half a million uses, translating to 25 years of domestic use. No additional adapters or converters are required for installation. The gold, chrome and nickel options are available for next day delivery.