Green credentials seen as non-essential
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
Making homes greener through increased resource efficiency is seen as non-essential during the current economic downturn, it has been suggested.Investments to make a home or kitchen more environmentally-sound, including lowering water consumption and energy wastage, is likely to be taken out of the budget as householders feel the pinch.This is according to Gordon Miller of, who said In these tough economic times few of the public are going to spend money on non-essential items. Home-and-energy efficiency are seen by the vast majority of people as a non-essential.Investing in kitchen fixtures and fittings which add to a homes green credentials neednt be expensive. In-Sink-Erator offers a range of taps which deliver 98-degree hot water on demand, thereby reducing energy consumption with a kettle or coffee machine.In addition, leading firms are increasingly offering taps with in-built water filters, saving the potential wastage that can occur with keeping a filter jug in the fridge.