Granite countertops good upgrade for house sellers
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
People hoping to attract attention to their home while it is on the market should consider modernising their kitchen countertops. That is the opinion of Melanie Ruberti who, writing for WorldNow, noted that granite is a particularly good option to use in kitchen sink areas. Update the kitchen with granite counter tops, she advised, explaining that this is a key way of making a house more appealing to those looking around. Always keep the home in pristine condition, in case anyone just drops by unannounced, Ms Ruberti added. Other decorating tips included installing wooden floors and ensuring the walls are painted in neutral shades. Homeowners were also advised to keep a minimum of accessories and furniture on display. Earlier this month, interior design expert Caroline Castrucci praised the qualities of granite countertops in kitchen sink areas. The material is both easy on the eye and simple to maintain, she observed.