Futuristic kitchen unit features infrared controlled kitchen taps
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
A futuristic kitchen unit has been designed which features touch controlled cooking hobs and a kitchen sink with infrared controlled taps.The Design Blog reported on a compact kitchen design created on ProductDesignForums which aims to be ergonomic, sustainable and technologically advanced.While doing away with traditional cooker knobs and taps, the concept also incorporates a worktop, fold-away chairs, an integrated eco-friendly fridge, an oven and a grill.The blog drew attention to the design while discussing a range of new, hi-tech unit concepts which aim to make the most out of a small space.With luxury homes turning into small apartments, due to rapid growth in urban population, demand of portable and multifunctional kitchen units has been on the rise, it observed.Writing for Canwest News Service last week, Marc Atiyolil , editor-in-chief of Home Trends Magazine, urged people to consider whether a kitchen floor-plan is suited to their lifestyle needs when buying a new home.