Fluoridated tap water helps young and old
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
UK tap water regulators could soon be seeking to increase fluoridation levels, after medical research in the US has shown fluoride to be boosting the dental health of people young and old.A report in the Journal of Public Health Dentistry has suggested that the benefits of high-fluoride tap water were not confined to children, with people over 58 shown to profit the most from better dental health.The research project was carried out by surveying nearly 52,000 members of one health insurance plan, with subscribers living in fluoridated drinking water areas spending less on dental fillings than those in other areas.Lead researcher Dr Gerardo Maupome, stated Our finding that fluoridated water lowered the number of dental fillings confirms studies on younger people but breaks new ground on older individuals.Fluoride traces occur naturally in many ground water sources in the UK, and conventional water treatment does not seek to remove it, with some water companies artificially fluoridating water supplies a trend that could now increase.People seeking the healthiest possible tap water in the UK often invest in purificatory devices for taps, with Frankes Triflow tap offering in-built purification systems that filter out chemicals, bacteria and particles as small as 0.2 microns.