EST: environmentally friendly appliances favoured by 69 percent
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
The Energy Savings Trust (EST) has revealed that 69 per cent of people aim to buy environmentally-friendly products, or white goods.Caroline Rams of the EST found through a survey that people were more inclined to make an effort in saving the environment through the use of such products, including light bulbs, fridge-freezers and washing machines that can lower household bills.She said that an energy-efficient fridge-freezer can save up to 35 a year on electricity bills, with a washing machine using two-thirds less power and a much smaller amount of water.The survey results pleased Ms Rams, who said This is great news, that people are now making more of an effort to do their bit to help the environment. We hope that this percentage only grows in the future.The Energy Savings Trust also highlighted that lighting accounts for ten to 15 per cent of electricity bills, amounting nationally to 1.9 billion a year.