Environmentally-friendly tap wins praise
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
An inventor has been praised for his environmentally-friendly tap which helps homeowners to reduce water waste. Budding inventor Ian Williams impressed judges at the Ideal Home Show, who saw his entry as part of a national competition. The Eco Tap was one of 1,000 entries to the Ideal Home Show challenge which asked people of all ages and abilities to design an object which would help to combat every day problems faced by householders. Williams tap was in the top ten finalists if the competition thanks to its inventive way of saving water. The Eco Tap is a hot tap fitted with a thermostatic diverter valve which diverts the cold water which is not needed into a separate storage facility.This, Williams said, can then be used for other household tasks such as watering the garden or even flushing the toilet. The tap was beaten off in the competition by a design aimed at using wireless to locate lost keys.