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Energy-efficient kitchens could help sellers

Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017

People thinking about ways to sell their home quickly in the midst of the housing slowdown may want to look at installing energy-efficient appliances and accessories, according to an energy doctor.Jon McGowan of the Energy Saving Trust said houses with green kitchens and other eco-friendly credentials would not only be easier to sell but the majority of homeowners (53 per cent) claim they would be happy to pay an additional 3,000 for them.Energy efficient homes could be a vital driver to keeping the property market moving, with carbon appeal set to replace kerb appeal when it comes to swaying buyers, he said. Mr McGowan added that some people are trying to generate their own power using renewable sources, but homeowners can do smaller things to make their kitchens greener.For example, wooden accessories such as a Franke food board are more sustainable than plastic items, while installing a food waste disposer such as an In-Sink-Erator can reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill sites. ADNFCR-1321-ID-18761520-ADNFCR