Do you need a second kitchen sink?
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
Many homeowners are opting for a second kitchen sink, particularly in larger kitchens. Whilst a second sink can be extremely useful, it is important to give careful consideration to where to site it. When placed in the right position, a second sink is hugely practical. Your carefully-positioned second sink will double the functionality of your kitchen without adding to the square footage. A second sink will enable multiple cooks to easily work simultaneously. It will also prevent dirty dishes from getting in the cooks way or forcing them to stop in the middle of a task in order to clear out the sink. On the other hand, if your secondary sink is not installed within the correct cooking zone, or with enough worktop space around it, then it becomes dysfunctional and a waste of space and money. So how do you decide where to put your additional sink? To make the right decision, consider the purpose your sink is going to serve. If your second sink is going to be a clean-up sink, it needs to have worktop space on both sides, ideally no less that 3 feet, so that dirty dishes can be moved from one side to the other. There should be wall cabinets around the sink for nearby storage and it should also be close to the dishwasher and rubbish bin. This will minimise the work involved in clearing the table, cleaning dishes, loading and unloading the dishwasher and setting the table. If you require a second sink for food preparation, it should be sited within the cooking zone and be close to both the refrigerator and the cooker or hob. It will also require plenty of counter space. Unlike the clean-up sink, where work flows in a predictable process from one side to the other, at the preparation sink the most important factor is that the worktop space is continuous. You will need as much counter in one big piece as you can achieve. If your sink is being positioned in an island, it will mean positioning it off-centre on one end or another. Bear in mind that 65percent percent of the time spent in the average kitchen is on food preparation and only 15percent percent is on clearing up. So think carefully about why you want your second sink and, consequently, where it would be best to site your sink.