Creation of kitchen tap parts simulated by scientists
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
By Bob BardsleyKitchen tap manufacture could become more predictable following the first simulation of the sintering process by scientists.Munich-based research organisation Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft has announced its success in accurately simulating the procedure.Sintering is the method used to create components such as the washers used in kitchen taps.It involves injecting powdered metal into a mould known as a die, which is then compacted and heated in order to harden the individual grains into a solid whole.Dr Claas Bierwisch of the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM says Filling the die is a critical step in dry compaction.The metal powder is not distributed 100 per cent evenly in the mould, he adds.It is this irregular distribution that is being investigated, to help reduce the number of waste components created due to cracks or weaknesses.Ultimately, the cost savings made by reducing such waste could be passed on to the consumer, meaning better prices on kitchen taps in the years to come.