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Clean kitchen taps with lemon juice, homeowners told

Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017

Environmentally-conscious homeowners looking for innovative ways to keep their kitchens clean may want to consider using lemons as a substitute for cleaning products.Writing for the website, Laura Carey offers homeowners some tips for ensuring that their appliances remain in perfect condition.Ms Carey recommends using lemon juice as a substitute for kitchen cleaning products, as well as being an environmentally-friendly way to make fixtures gleam.Kitchen taps, oven hobs and work surfaces all some up clean and fresh once cleaned with lemon juice and a touch of water, she explains.Whats more, a lemon is a lot cheaper than a kitchen spray.Meanwhile, stainless steel kitchen sink buyers have been offered a range of handy tips to help them keep the fixture looking clean by Carolyn Forte of Good HousekeepingThe expert noted that to keep a stainless steel kitchen sink looking its best, people should take a few minutes to smooth away scratches which can harbour stains and bacteria.ADNFCR-1321-ID-800037833-ADNFCR