Choose accessories to promote good hygiene
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
Washing hands before cooking and after using the bathroom is common sense, but as we enter colder days and freshers flu sweeps the nations universities, it may be more important.Miramichi regional hospital in Canada has urged people to wash their hands to minimise the spread of infection in health care environments, but health/infection control co-ordinator Merita MacMillans comments may be valuable in the home too.Speaking to the Miramichi Leader, Ms MacMillan said Hand washing is a very effective way to prevent the spread of illness such as the flu.She advised using a sufficient amount of soap and creating friction by rubbing the hands together, before rinsing the hands under running water.Choosing the right kitchen sink, taps and accessories can help to get your hands as clean as possible. For example, fitting a Franke soap dispenser next to the kitchen sink can allow quick access to soap and, in a choice of chrome or silk steel finishes, will not spoil a stylish kitchen.Taps with large controls, such as a County tap in a Beech design, can allow the most hygiene-conscious to turn on taps with their elbows to reduce picking up germs on clean hands.