Chef fits home with restaurant-style kitchen sink
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
A chef in the US opted to fit his kitchen with a range of high-end utility appliances and fixtures including a restaurant-style kitchen sink, it has been revealed. Dino Cialfi of the Peppercorns restaurant in Hartford near New York, told the Hartford Cournat that the aim of his renovation was to create a professionally equipped kitchen that still looked warm and inviting. Mr Cialfi hired the services of kitchen designer Erica Caserta, who said she was able to meet such a challenge thanks to the ample space of his 27-by-15-foot room. She took advantage of this to fit the room with side-by-side ovens, a 48-inch cooktop, an espresso machine and an oversize stainless refrigerator, which all helped to make the room more suitable for Mr Cialfis cooking needs. However, Ms Caserta also ensured the kitchen would be inviting and suitable for entertaining guests by installing an S-shaped island around which people could sit and watch Mr Cialfi cook. Residential architect John Hershey wrote in the Mundelein Review this week that it may be more worthwhile renovating important rooms in an existing home - such as the kitchen - rather than moving to a new property.