Check taps to beat winter blues
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
Checking kitchen sink plumbing can help stave off frozen pipes and potential home insurance claims, the AA has said.The insurance provider has issued guidance to homeowners about how to protect their homes from water damage at this time of year.Icy conditions can lead to frozen water in pipes which can cause leaks and bursts.Homeowners were advised to check taps on a regular basis to chart the water flow. A slower flow than usual can be a sign of frozen pipes.Simon Douglas, director of AA Insurance, explained After a decade of mostly mild winters its easy to forget the threat posed to your home by freezing pipes.However, he added The good news is that you can reduce the risk by taking some simple precautions to stop pipes from freezing. This is especially important if you go away on holiday, and can save you from returning to a nasty - and damp - surprise.The Consumer Council for Water recently advised homeowners to check kitchen sink plumbing for leaks and repair any worn washers to help save water and cut utility bills.