Brits cultivate their kitchen gardens, says expert
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
The current economic hardship may be prompting more cost-conscious Britons to cultivate their own kitchen gardens, according to an industry insider.According to Smallholder magazine, there has been a significant rise in people ordering vegetable seeds.Mail order firm DT Brown has seen a 35 per cent rise in demand for such products since the same time last year.General manager Tim Jefferies told the publication I am sure there is an element of Dig for Victory in producing our own food, but I also believe vegetable seed sales are rising because more of us want to know where our food comes from and we appreciate its great flavour.People are also realising a wide range of vegetables can be grown in containers on the patio or in flower beds and this has opened up growing to those who do not have traditional vegetable gardens or allotments.Preparing freshly-grown vegetables is a pleasure, but working away at a well-designed and attractive stainless steel sink can make it a joy.