Britons proud of their homes
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
People looking at kitchen renovation may benefit from learning that individuals in some areas of the UK are particularly house proud and look to their home as an investment for the future. According to an index compiled by home wares and interior design website, a number of people continue to spend money on updating their homes despite the current economic climate, with homeowners from Milton Keynes found to be top of the list when it comes to pride in their property. Speaking on the results, Dr Linda Papadopoulos said While we may be willing to forgo evenings out and even holidays, investing in our homes gives us a feeling of consistency and comfort.As well as the rankings, the website also conducted research of its 65,000 members, which revealed that just under half of those surveyed admitted feeling flustered by visitors when the house was untidy. In recent news, renovation specialist Steve Gray told that small improvements around the kitchen - such as new kitchen sinks - could provide a large return on investment.