Are men better in the kitchen
Posted by Sinks on 27th Jun 2017
While in the past the kitchen was seen as the womans domain, it seems that men are increasingly spending time experimenting with their cooking.According to a report in the Mirror, men are increasingly becoming better cooks, with the past three MasterChef winners being male and most celebrity chefs, such as Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay, being men.For years, men thought of cooking as something their mothers did. Now weve got this amazing trend where guys are doing fantastically in the kitchen, and why not? Young men in the past used to dream of owning a Ferrari - now theyre saving up for a wood-burning pizza oven, celebrity chef Aldo Zilli told the newspaper.He added that men are often more daring than women.With men spending an increasing amount of time in the kitchen, they may wish to invest in some gadgets to make their lives simpler.A food waste disposer is ideal for reducing rubbish in an easy and environmentally-friendly manner, while Abodes Aquifier taps mean that people can access filtered water with ease.